Schedule your Order of the Arrow Elections today! Elections must be Completed by April 13th!

Scouts BSA Troops and Venture Crews —  Please make sure to check out the upcoming actions and events for the Order of the Arrow. Make sure the Youth in your unit know about the upcoming opportunities


  1. Schedule your unit elections – email Chapter Chief & Chapter Adviser if you cannot find your registration email. They need to be completed by 13-Apr-2021. Revised camping guidelines here (read all the way to bottom!): OA Temporary Camping Requirement Changes | Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America (
  2. Attend a Brotherhood Conversion event and seal your membership: Northern Star Scouting – OA: JMQ Virtual Constellation Brotherhood Induction (
  3. Visit the new Lodge website for more info: Totanhan Nakaha Lodge – Order of the Arrow – Scouting’s National Honor Society (


Jake Andrew Schramm (Youth)
M Chapter, Totanhan Nakaha Lodge

Stuart Smith (Adult)
M Chapter, Totanhan Nakaha Lodge
[email protected]

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