Updated!! Annual Unit Recharter FAQ

** Q. I’m not receiving the weekly emails — how do I get the Membership Charter Report?

A. Email our District Exec, Jim Bollback [email protected] and he can send you a report


**Q. Do I need to turn in the Blue (Charter Org Approval Form) and Gold (Charter Partner Agreement) Forms

A. Yes, these forms need to be turned in with the charter. There may have been some confusion and miscommunication about this, but they definitely need to be completed


Q. When is the deadline for scouts to pay the full $180 in order for the unit to get the $20 credit to their account? 

A. The $20 credit runs from August 1 to October 15. If a Scout (youth) pays their full fee by Oct 15th, the unit will receive a $20 credit to their accounts.


** Q. I don’t see all of my youth / adults on the membership charter report. I should wait to get everyone in, right? 

A. No, please turn the charter in without delay. As long as you have the minimum five (5) youth and five (5) required adult leader roles, turn your charter in on-time. Registration will continue to be open, so anyone registered will simply be added after the charter is turned in.


Q. With charter due on the 15th, is it simply a snapshot of what units have at the time they complete their registration — meaning if Scouts register on the 16th, they won’t be on the charter but would still be a member? 

A. Units can renew there charter, now available on the registration site, but that will be complete only when (1) the unit registration fee has been paid, (2) the five necessary adults have completed (without defect) their registrations, (3) at least five youth have been registered, and (4) the COR has signed off. Any Scouts or adults who register after the charter has been posted will be added to the roster but will not appear on the original paperwork.


Q. What paid leaders are required to be on the Charter in order for it to be complete? 

A.  Ensure that your unit has

  • 1 Chartered Organization Representative (must be the same for ALL units under the Chartered Partner)
  • 1 Committee Chair
  • 1 Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venturing Advisor, Exploring Advisor, Skipper)
  • At least 2 Committee Members
  • At least 1 Den Leader (Packs only)


** Q. One of my required leaders (above) filled out their registration as a different role (for example, Cubmaster registered as den leader) It looks like I don’t have the required leaders, but I do. 

A. For those leaders in required roles, who registered as one of their other roles in the Unit, please simply cross out the role on the Member Charter Report and write the correct position directly below. Our DE will correct their role in the system, as you cannot be registered as more than one position in a Unit.


Q. Can Units pay the fees for the adult leaders (only) at the time of recharter vs having to have the leaders pay and then get reimbursed?

A. Yes — This has changed based on feedback from the units. Multiple leaders have said their Unit pays for Adult Leaders — and asked for an easy way to pay for Scout Leaders direct from the Unit, rather than ask their leaders to pay and be reimbursed. Northern Star Scouting heard you!  Units can now the unit can pay the adult registration fees at the time of charter renewal. Up to that time, the adults will appear on the defective list.


** Q. In the Recharter Packet, there are the background check forms that all adult volunteers needed to sign last year. Do I need to collect them all again? 

A. If the adult volunteer has completed their registration online through the Northern Star Scouting portal, then there is no need to collect those forms. That was included in the online registration process. If  the Unit is paying/registering adults on their charter, you will need to collect Background Check Authorization forms for those leaders (as they did not enter that online).


Q. What if I don’t have 5 Youth registered before October 15th? 

A. please contact your Commissioner or Jim Bollback, our District Executive [email protected],   for assistance.


Q. I never received / can’t find my Recharter Packet. Help!

A. No problem – please reach out to Jim Bollback,  our District Executive [email protected],   for assistance.


Q. Some of my leaders have not completed YPT. Can I still recharter? 

A. All adults and youth 18 years of age or older on your recharter must have current Youth Protection Training and Background Check Authorization forms. You cannot recharter if one of the required positions has not completed their YPT/Background Check form.

Any Adult who is in a role with direct youth contact (Den Leader, ASM, Quartermaster, etc) MUST be a registered leader. Current BSA regulations require two registered adults at all activities, including meetings

Additionally, it is strongly recommended that all adults (parents, grandparents, etc) involved in Scouting take, at a minimum, Youth Protection training. While the Lion and Tiger adult partner designations are not registered adult leader positions, there is nothing but added benefit from these adults completing the training. It is in every Scouting family’s best interest to be aware of the safeguards and barriers that Youth Protection Training offers to safeguard our youth right from the start.


Q. Where is the training for Unit Recharter? 

A. The training, as well as links to the online submission and guide, are available at:


*** New Q&A added 10/7

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