Stay safe by reviewing the newest BSA Safety Moments

How far away should Scouts stand during a model rocket launch? Should you have a den meeting at a trampoline park? Is tossing color-changing additives into a campfire a good idea?

For answers to these questions and more than 90 other topics, take a look at BSA’s Safety Moments.

Since we last wrote about the Safety Moments, more helpful topics have been added to the page. These topics are a great resource if you or another Scouter has a question about a specific activity. They can also help Scouts preparing for an activity.

Some of the more popular Safety Moments visited this year have been:

How to use a Safety Moment

BSA’s Environmental, Health and Safety team suggests using a Safety Moment at the start of each meeting or activity. It only takes a couple of minutes to share one with your unit, making it easy to deliver a SAFE program.

Anyone can share a Safety Moment. Pick an age-appropriate topic relevant to everyone — any topic that focuses on improving the safety of Scouting is an excellent topic. For some activities, like shooting sports, reviewing those Safety Moments are essential. If you have a personal experience relating to the Safety Moment, feel free to share that, too. Clear, concise and fact-based talks resonate best with others. 

Check out the Safety Moment on how to have a Safety Moment in Scouting found here.

For more safety resources, click hereThe Environmental, Health and Safety team continues to update and produce Safety Moments for Scouting. If you have a Safety Moment suggestion, you can contact the team here.

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