Service Project Ideas for Lions and Tigers (Cub Scouts)

Coming up with feasible service project ideas for young Cub Scouts can be a challenge. Lions (who are in kindergarten) need to do a good turn for the Pick My Path adventure. And Tigers (who are in first grade) need to do a service project for the Tiger Circles adventure.  There are many possibilities:

  • Collect canned goods for your local food pantry
  • Make Valentine’s day cards for a nursing home or for shut ins
  • Make no-sew fleece blankets for children at a local homeless shelter
  • Plant a tree at a local park.
  • Make posters for school to encourage students to walk, bike, or carpool to help the environment.
  • Collect board games for your local homeless shelter
  • Make cards for members of the armed services who are overseas
  • Clean up litter at your chartered organization or a local park
  • Create care bags for the homeless with toothbrushes, toothpaste, lip balm, lotion, sunscreen, band aids, deodorant, and other items
  • Visit a nursing home and play board games with the residents
  • Rake leaves for an elderly citizen in your neighborhood
  • Make cookies and deliver them to first responders
  • Collect baby clothes and donate them to a women’s shelter

Check out the tips from the USO on Making the Perfect Care Package for Troops

Make sure to record your service hours in ScoutBook once completed!

What are your favorite ideas for young Cub Scouts? Share them in the comments below.

Originally posted at

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