Order of the Arrow Conclaves 2017

Ordeal Candidates:  Congratulations on your election to the Order of the Arrow! This is your personal invitation to attend your first Order of the Arrow Chapter Conclave.

Ordeal Members going for Brotherhood:  This is your invitation to attend your Induction Conclave and become a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow. As an Ordeal Member you were asked to serve your Unit and after 10 months tenure to return to seal your membership in the Order by becoming Brotherhood.

Ordeal Member (<10 Months) Not Eligible For Brotherhood: This is your invitation to attend your Induction Conclave as an Ordeal Member that has not served your unit for a 10 month period.  Please join us for fellowship and service to the camp.

Brotherhood and Vigil Members:  This is your invitation to attend your Order of the Arrow Chapter Conclave. As a Brotherhood or Vigil member you were asked to serve your Unit and the Order as a member. Come and rejuvenate your membership in cheerful service.

To complete your registration you will need your LodgeMaster OA ID# from your registration letter.  All Induction Conclave fees include $15.00 dues for 2018.

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