District Committee Meeting – May 15, 2017 – Cancelled

Thank you all for your work this past year! With the help of all of you, we had a very successful year capped off by a fun District Dinner.  Summer seems to be kicking off (at least today there’s no snow) and Scouts and Scouters are wanting to get outside and enjoy nature.

So, we’re going to cancel Thursday’s District Committee meeting to give you back some time to spend with family and friends. We generally do not meet in June, so out next meeting as a group will be in July (more details to come). We might meet in the interim as smaller groups (activities or membership) but we’ll also publish those dates on the calendar so that you know they are happening.

A couple of important notes for your information:

  • Monday, May 15, 2017 is the deadline for Family FOS incentives. We are significantly below our goal — please encourage your friends and family to donate to Scouting
  • BALOO Training will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2017
  • The District Committee Training Workshop will be held on Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 7:00PM – 8:30PM. I’d encourage each of us to attend this training in lieu of the June District Committee meeting

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the Key 5.

Thank you.

Nick Pedersen
District Chairman

Lake Minnetonka District BSA
[email protected]

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