The Silver Beaver is a national award presented by the local council; it is the highest honor a local council may bestow upon a volunteer. The award is limited to adults 21 years of age or older. The award consists of a certificate, a formal Silver Beaver emblem on a ribbon, and a square knot for uniform wear. Nominations for the Silver Beaver awards consist of three parts:

  • Noteworthy service of exceptional character to non-Scouting youth
  • Exceptional service to the BSA
  • Service or standing within the community or community organization

Please take the time to think about the Scouting volunteers you know and nominate those who seem worthy of this recognition. Start the planning and research now as it can often take several months to track down recommendation letters and additional information.

Silver Beaver Nomination Form

The deadline for submitting nominations is December 1, 2021 by 5:00 PM. For questions please contact Mary Degel [email protected] or Dave Arola at [email protected].

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